jamie raskin illness
jamie raskin illness

Rep. Jamie Raskin’s Cαncer Vanishes into Remission!

Rep. Jamie Raskin, a well-known legislator from Maryland’s suburbs of Washington, D.C., declared his illness remission after finishing treatment. The Democrat disclosed his lymphoma diagnosis in December.

The fourth-term congressman, 60, wrote a statement to “Dear America” on his website on Thursday, saying he was “a preliminary diagnosis of being ‘in remission’ from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with a 90% prognosis of no relapse, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love.”

Jamie Raskin posted a video of himself celebrating by striking a bell on social media. He claimed that during the previous five months, “many thousands” of people had been in touch with him “with expressions of prayer, best wishes, concern, solidarity, sympathy and moral encouragement.”

He claimed to have gotten poetry, messages, knitted scarves, vegan matzoh ball soup, bandanas, baseball caps, and more as gifts. Steven Van Zandt, the guitarist for the E Street Band and a well-known bandana wearer, was among many who gave Raskin a bandana.

jamie raskin illness

Raskin stated that he would soon send a formal thank you note, although he was still worn out after the last round of chemotherapy.

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About Rose Martin 764 Articles
I'm Rose Martin, and allow me to take you on a journey through my life as a content writer. With many years of experience in the field, I've had the privilege of shaping narratives and engaging audiences with the written word. My journey into the world of content writing was not a straightforward one. I didn't always know that I wanted to be a writer, but my passion for storytelling and a deep love for words led me down this fulfilling path. As a child, I was an avid reader, always immersed in the pages of books, eagerly exploring different worlds and perspectives.

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