Tim and Moby, a man and a robot known for their videos that overachievers in elementary school love, have come out as a gay couple after years of rumors. In their joint press release, Tim said, “We didn’t know how people would react.” “Would our young viewers still be able to remember basic educational topics if they knew we were raw-dogging it off-screen? We just couldn’t take that risk for a long time.”
Over the years, there have been many rumors about their relationship’s status, but these rumors have always been denied. In 2011, an unnamed source said they saw Tim and Moby in an alley in New York City.
“I’m not sure Moby needed to be on his knees to get his system rebooted,” the source said. During a meeting, a business partner once saw Tim stroking Moby’s wires under the table. In 2015, Tim’s mother said her son “completely abandoned his Weibo body pillow” to sleep beside a smooth, complex, man-shaped robot. Tim has always dismissed these claims by saying, “I’m just a guy with his robot.
When I got him, the suction part was already there.” Moby, however, can’t talk like a human, but he used to beep angrily and print extra copies of GQ when people asked him about his s*xuality.
The response from the public seems to be primarily positive. The LGBTQ+ community has welcomed this change in how people and machines work together. They call it “the Third Industrial Revolution.”
Parents of BrainPOP viewers also seem to like it, though some are worried that their kids will start seeing their home appliances as potential s*xual partners. Toasters, with all their holes, seem to be the main suspects.
A few days after Tim and Moby’s announcement, Pope Francis said he supported same-s*x marriage. However, he hasn’t said if the Catholic Church will also welcome couples where one partner can only understand the Bible if it’s uploaded to their hard drive through a robotic colonoscopy.
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